Friday, October 4, 2013

472 若是主的教會 When the Church of Jesus

1.    若是主的教會,大門常關緊,
2.    若我們的心靈翱翔又飄逸,
3.    若是奉獻財物、才能,並時間,

When the Church of Jesus

When the church of Jesus shuts its outer door,
lest the roar of traffic drown the voice of prayer,
may our prayers, Lord, make us ten times more aware
that the world we banish is our Christian care.

If our hearts are lifted where devotion soars
high above this hungry, suffering world of ours,
lest our hymns should drug us to forget its needs,
forge our Christian worship into Christian deeds.

Lest the gifts we offer, money, talents, time,
serve to salve our conscience, to our secret shame,
Lord, reprove, inspire us by the way you give;
teach us, dying Savior, how true Christians live.

by: Fred Pratt Green (1968)

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弟兄姐妹平安! 歡迎來到神的面前,一起來敬拜,一起學習神的話,一起讓我們的教會教會成為教會。 回到我們一直學習的問題:「教會是什麼?」、「教會應該是什麼?」、「教會在世上的目的又是什麼?」、「怎樣的特質才能讓教會像個教會」。這是我們教會一直在學習的真理,也是我們教會的使命。作...